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Everything changed after that single incident..Sonakshi's accident left a big impact within him.He himself didn't understood what was happening to him.He was doubtful about his own act.He never gave this much care and importance to any single person other than his family.Then what happened when Sonakshi was in hospital.Each and everyday he visited her.Not only visited,he fed her,he helped to walk her,he talked her random things,he was completely changed at that time.A new Dev..Thoughts about Sonakshi's accident still making him shiver.A scene he wanted to forget from his mind,but still that scene is invading him..
Sonakshi came back to her work..That was raksha bandan day..A beautiful sight welcomed her..Nikki,Riya,Neha stood infront of Dev,they tied Rakhi on dev's hand and he gifted gifts to them.She watched these scenes by standing at the door with a beautiful smile.At that time only Radha Rani noticed Sonakshi.. 'Areh,Bengolan..come...come...welcome back'.. Radha Rani welcomed Sona with a sarcastic smile.Radha Rani always disliked her,she never wanted sona with Dev.To keep distance between sona and Dev she asked sona to tie rakhi on Dev's hand.Both sona and Dev never expected this.How can Sona tie rakhi on Dev's hand,the person's hand whom she loves.How can she do that..Never ever she will tie that on Dev's hand.But how is she going to refuse it..What will Dev's family think.. On the other hand Dev was also shocked by hearing mami..He never expected that from mami.How can he allow it.Considering sona as sister..no..never..He don't want her as sister..He can't think about it.But why???What he want??who is she??A friend??only a friend ??or much more than a friend??..No answers.. Anyhow he wanted to stop this.He wanted to sona tie Rakhi on his hand.. 'Mami,what are you asking??.How can you ask Ms.Bose to tie rakhi on my hand..How??' 'Beta...voh ...' 'I don't want hear anything mami ji..She is mom's nutritionist..doctor h voh ..How can you ask someone to tie rakhi on my hand..I only allowed my sisters to tie on my hand..That's my sisters right only& I don't want anybody else to do that for me..'. By saying this Dev marched to his room..He never wanted to behave like this to mami.But what happened to him was unknown to him too...There was no need to burst to mami.But how can mami ask Sona to tie rakhi on his hand.Considering Sona as his sister,no...he can't think about it..But why?? Still the same question is haunting him.. On the other hand Sona got big relief..Radha Rani gave a big shock for her,but all thanks to Dev.She never expected such a burst from Dev.2
Dev was working in his room,when he heard laughter from hall & he came to staircase to check what was happening in hall...The scenes which he saw made him boil with anger.Sona hugging a youngman...Their interactions made him jealous.Unable to control his anger he went to his room.. That was Sona's best friend Raj,when he went Sona's home they informed that She is in Dev's home.Raj had no time to wait for her.Meeting after years made them forget their surroundings.But unknown to them it made a big impact on another person. Dev tried to concentrate on his work..But his thoughts drifted to the scenes which he saw in hall.Sona is a nutritionist, his employee..Why he is giving somuch importance to that incident.She has the right to hug or talk the persons whom he want..How can he interfere his employee's life.But is she only an employee for him...? No..never..she is much more than that...more than a friend???...is he in love???From where that word come from...Dev Dixit and love,Is it possible..Maybe he is..Unknowingly smile started to form on his lips.. How can he get the answers he want..He is not sure about his own feelings..With whom he will share his doubts..with whom he wishare his feelings...To his mom??..Noo...To his sisters??...neverrr...Then whom???..To his friend???...Then which friend???..Sonakshi...That is the only name arised in his mind...Yes...Sonakshi, she is the one and only person who will understand his feelings and guide him straight..Yes,he is going to talk with her.. Dev offered to drop sonakshi at home..What she want other than this at that moment.She accepted his offer without any hesitation.During the journey Sonakshi noticed the change in Dev's face.She felt he want to talk something to her.She asked to stop the car ,came out the car&sat on the bonnet.Dev didn't understood what was happening,he also came out of the car and followed .. 'Boliye Mr.Dixit' 'What' 'I know,you want to talk something to me' A smile formed on his lips.This girl know him more than himself. 'Voh...I'm really confused Sonakshi' 'About what...??' 'I don't know what happened to me,I'm not good with words Sonakshi...Actually a girl came in my life some months ago...' Sona's face started to cringe at that moment when he specified about a girl.Dev noticed the changes in her,he was sure about her feelings..He noticed the changes in Sonakshi after accident.The Sonakshi he saw before the accident was not the Sonakshi he saw after accident..She was totally changed..Is she fell in love with him??Is it possible..He will find out the answers today itself... ' Haan..bolo...' 'She came like a storm in my life..Everything changed after that..She totally changed me..She know me more than myself.. She made me to smile..she tought me to laugh...Her thoughts started to invade me all times...I would like to spend more time with her...I would like to see her all time...I can't watch she is walking away from me...I can't see her with another man...I started to share my feelings with her..I don't know what is happening with me Sona...I don't know...' 'Areh...Mr.Buddhu Dixit...You are in love' She said that with a heavy heart...She didn't want to spoil his mood...She masked her pain with smile..Dev looked Sona with uttershock..His doubt turned to true,he is in love,with his Ms.Bose,with his Dr.Bose,with his Sonakshi, with his sona... His shock replaced with smile after that.. 'Then what will I do,She don't know anything about my feelings for her' 'Then confess it to her Mr.Dixit...Don't be late' She talked from her experience..He looked her with disbelief.. 'If she reject...??' 'No girl will reject you Mr.Dixit ...She is very lucky to have you'...Sona wanted to get at that moment..But she has to stay strong..She can't let Dev to know her feelings...She want to see his happiness...She is not going to tell her feelings to him...It's too late.. Dev observed the changing expression of Sona's face...He is not sure about her feelings...Anyways he is going to confess her... Dev took her hand and made her stand infront of him...She looked him for a moment... ' Mr.Dixit ...Dev' 'Ms. Sonakshi Bose...I'm madly and deeply fell in love with you...I don't know when it happened and how it happened..I love you Sonakshi' That was like a dream to Sonakshi.His simple confession was lot to her..She looked him with disbelief...was that a dream...If yes then she never wanted to wake from that sleep... 'Somebody said me No one will reject Dev Dixit...But whathappened now...'
'Mr.Dixit ...vohhh..' 'It's okay Dr.Bose...I'm sorry..' By saying this he turned to leave with his heavy heart...He never expected a rejection from Sonakshi,He was at fault..She was not in love with him...
Sona caught his hands and came infront of him...' let me complete my words Mr.Dixit... I love you too Mr.Dixit ...' By saying this she hugged him.. 'It's Dev for you',By saying this he hugged her back... There started a beautiful journey of their love life..1
----THE END---

Writer: Binubin

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