The Episode starts with Kartik and Naira writing in their diaries and showing the drawings to each other. Raahatein…plays… Naira says I want you to get our baby to me first. He says fine, its not a big deal. She says I don’t want nurse to get the baby, you have to get the baby. He says done. Everyone is in the party. Naira comes downstairs. Kartik asks how did you come here. She thinks I don’t want to have the laddoo. He eats laddoo and asks her to go back, else he will lift her. She says no, I will go. Dadi says I couldn’t meet the doctor, I would have got some clarity and taken measures. Manish says everything will be fine.
A man comes there and sees Goenka villa. Kartik says I shouldn’t have more laddoos, we say We are pregnant, but its not literally,
He says she is taking rest, I will call her later. Naira hits Kartik’s pic with the ball and says I m not liking this, what shall I do. Manish asks Aditya, are you sure. The man says yes, he is here these days, he is starting a new business. Manish thinks Kirti and Naksh shouldn’t know this. Kirti is on call. She says Naksh explained me that I will deal with you mainly and convinced me. The man asks Dadi to get Naira out, van is here, he will do test in 10 mins. Kids ask where is Santa, its too late. Kartik says Santa will come, he is very busy. Naira comes as Santa. Kids run to her and call her a slim Santa. They joke on Santa. Kartik asks what kind of Santa are you, the company showed me Santa, a chubby one. Naira recalls meeting Santa and stopping him. She asks him to sit there until the party gets over. He asks why, how will party happen without Santa, its my job, I won’t get money. She says I will pay you double. He agrees. FB ends. She says the chubby Santa’s wife got ill, so he left, I didn’t eat anything since two days, ny mind is not working, don’t make me out of here. Kartik says fine. Naira thinks you dared to send me out, see how I enjoy here. He laughs.
Dadi says if Naira is alone there… Kirti says Kartik said you have made yummy dishes for Naira, show me. Kartik asks Naira to eat as much as she wants. Naira thinks Kartik is feeding me on own today. She eats a muffin and asks is there anything salty. He gives her spring rolls. She eats it and says great Sir, I have never seen such delicious food, thanks. Kartik says its okay. He talks to servant. Her moustache falls. She fixes it by hiding under the table. He says where did Santa go. Naira comes out. He says you disappeared and then came back. Naira says no, I was here. Kartik asks why are you lying. Naira says no, I was having food here. He says fine. Naira thinks you think you are smart, now you become the fool. She goes to kids.
Naira dances on Badtameez Dil…. Naira eats chocolates. Kirti says Santa is dancing less and eating more. Kartik says he is hungry since two days, I asked him to have food. Naira says Kartik is close, and still away, but what’s the problem, I will run to Kartik. She dances with Kartik. She kisses him and says merry christmas. Kartik laughs and says I wish Naira was here, I m missing you, I will call you later. Dadi asks how did you come here. The man says you think about it, I will wait outside. She says I don’t want to get any tests done, just go out.
Naira looks on. Lav and Santa can you fulfill all our wishes. Kirti asks kids to ask Santa their wishes. Dadi comes to Santa and says I have a wish to get a great grandson, so that I can attain salvation. Naira looks at her. Dadi says I was going to take her for tests, so that I can have some solution in time, I just want a son. Naira recalls the hospital. Dadi asks Santa to fulfill her wish, give a son to Kartik. She says I will be very grateful to you, are you listening, Kartik’s child should be a boy, not a girl. Naira says stop it Dadi… and removes the beard. Dadi gets shocked.
Naira cries and goes out. The man says Mata ji took much time in sending you here. She gets shocked. Manish says we will look for Naira. Naira gets police home. Dadi worries. Manish and Kartik get shocked.
Naira cries and goes out. The man says Mata ji took much time in sending you here. She gets shocked. Manish says we will look for Naira. Naira gets police home. Dadi worries. Manish and Kartik get shocked.
Update Credit to: Amena