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Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega 26th February 2019 Written Episode Update

Scene 1
AJ wakes up in jail to drink water. it is very dirty. Gudan says you are drinking water yourself. He says why are you here? GO home. Constable says who are you talking to. There is no one. Constable says missing wife so much?
Arohi says Mr. AJ who leaves is house like this? This is your room. She sees him saying don’t touch my things. He says don’t mess all thing. Guddan says I was just arranging the room. Guddan realizes she is imagining. Gudddan says I will do anything to prove you innocent. Guddan recalls fighting AJ. Guddan is in tears. A drop drips from roof on AJ’s hand.
Guddan recalls AJ being arrested. She says AJ will come back.
Scene 2
Rawat comes to that girl. He puts gun on her. He says we can’t trust you.
This is our guard. He would always be with you. He says I can do anything to get AJ punished.
Perv comes to AJ and says how are you? AJ says I need clear water. Perv says sure. Come sign the paper first. AJ signs the paper. Perv says arrange coffee and breakfast for sir. AJ sees Revati calling Perv. He picks. REvati says I asked you to stay way from me. I told you I don’t want any relation with you. Why are you calling and torturing me. AJ is angry.
Guddan is cooking. Saru says are you cooking for Rawat? Are you crazy? Durga shoves him out and says get out of this house. This house isn’t for people like you. Gudan says ask Guddan first. Guddan says Rawat isn’t going anywhere. She puts his breakfast on table. Guddan says AJ said Rawat is still Antra’ brother. We can’t insult him. I can’t say no to AJ. Durga says no.. Guddan says this is my order as an MIL. Durga leaves in anger. Rawat says wow very wise of you. Guddan says don’t be happy. I wanna keep the culprit n front of me. My eyes are on you always. I will be waiting for your mistake. Thank AJ for the breakfast later. She leaves.
Rawat says no one can save AJ now. No one can stop me. GUddan comes to Perv. He says you. Guddan says you wanna hurt AJ? I heard everything you said on the call. I know you can harm him in the jail. What are you goin to do with him? You can’t harm him till I am here. Perv says he isn’t very nice either. He killed his wife I heard. Look at these scars. He hit me in my office.

Precap-Perv’s men hit AJ. Guddan meets the girl.
Update Credit to: Atiba

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