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Ishq Subhan Allah 7th January 2019 Episode Written Update

Scene 1
Zeenat is calling guests. She tells Shahbaz that Phupho will bring Aazar. Shahbaz asks Kashan to prepare project papers such a way that he will agree.
Alina comes to Zara and asks what will you do when your money ends? job? Zara says no then my problems will end but I want him to realize his duty. Ruksaar comes there and says I want to celebrate my anniversary too. Ruksaar comes there and sees money in Zara’s hands, she takes it but slips and it falls down in water drum, Zara is stunned.
Kashan says to Zeenat that I want to gift pilgrimage tickets to parents on anniversary from my and Kabir’s side. Zeenat says only you are gifting, Kabir doesnt earn to pay. Kabir comes there and hears it. Zeenat tells him about gift, Kabir says its good, I will gift something
Ayesha comes to Kabir and says I got this suit for Zara, she listens to you now so you can give this to her. Kabir says I wont. Alina comes there and tells about Zara’s money.
Kabir comes to Zara’s house and sees all her money wet, Ruksaar says I am sorry, she doesnt have money and I put these in water. Ayesha comes there. Kabir brings iron and dries her notes. He shows her one clean note, she smiles. Ayesha gifts Zara and says this is from a mother, dont go to Monday market, its about my respect. Zara says thanks, I am doing all this for your respect, I will make your anniversary special. Ayesha smiles. Zara says to Kabir that I want to gift parents something that they will remember forever.
All guests arrive to party, Shahbaz ignores Irfan and Salma.
Kabir and Zara wraps gifts. Zara thinks that he is thinking more nicely away from Shahbaz. Kabir says you look good in this dress. She smiles. Kabir thinks that she is forgetting her stubborn when I am near her so I have to be with her more. Salma comes there and greets Zara, she says I am happy to see Kabir here with you. Kabir says I just came to pack gifts for parents. Salma says lets go. Kabir says I am sorry Salma maa, I disrespected you, you are like my mother so your son is sorry. Salma hugs him and says I missed my son, God bless you both. Zara smiles.
In party, Kashan welcomes everyone to party. Kashan gifts them world tour, Alina gifts them sweater. Kabir and Zara comes there. Kabir brings gift. Zeenat thinks lets see what she gifts her. Aazar asks whats the gift, we are all family here. Kabir says gift is not about show off, Zara and him unwraps gifts, its their piggy bank, they break it. Zara says I always saved these coins and we did it after marriage with Kabir. Kabir says this is related to our pious deeds. Ayesha says I am so happy to get this gift. Kabir says Shahbaz made me what I am today but Ayesha was always with me, I was scared to become priest but Ayesha made me stand my ground. Zara writes ‘Happy Anniversary’ with coins, all clap. Aazar’s mother gives 15lacs check to Shahbaz and says this is a small gift. Kabir takes it and looks on. Kabir says why so much money? Phupho says Shahbaz is behind Aazar, he is having business troubles and asked Aazar to help him, we have crores but why I gave you 15lacs? you remember when we were in trouble in past and asked for your help in business but you said that you cant involve business with relationship so now we cant do it too so 15lacs will suffice. Zara says dont brag about your position at this stage. Aazar says she did a mistake and I am sorry. Kabir burns her check and says here it is. Phupho says wow priest you cant earn a penny and you burned 15lacs check? All look on.
PRECAP- Ayesha cries and says to Zara that I am with you now, we will make Kabir realize about his duty.
Shahbaz says to Kabir that I have showed you best path of world, that is to walk on religion path, keep following that.
Zara says to Ayesha that if we want Kabir to start realizing his duty and earn money then we have to make him away from this house. Ayesha looks on.
Update Credit to: Atiba

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