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Ishq Subhan Allah 13th December 2018 Episode Written Update

Scene 1
Zara calls Irfan and asks where are you going? Irfan says I have a case for a property so I am going to talk to lawyer, I will talk to you later. She says okay.
Shahbaz says to Kabir and Kashan that I never tell how much I work for poor but today I will show how much zakat I give every year as Zara said it. Kabir sees it and says you give 1 crore Zakat, that is 2.5% of savings so you had 40 crore saving last year? Shahbaz says yes, I thought I would pay Zakat for everyone. Kabir says I have to show it to Zara. Shahbaz says no, I just had to show you, I wanted to tell you that I have money and everything is fine then why you need to work? Kabir says no, I will work for nation. Shahbaz says Kashan has made a project which will channelize Zakat for benefit of nation. Kabir says I will
read file and its beneficial for nation then I will accept it, he leaves. Kashan says to Shahbaz and says why you should Zakat to Kabir? he could know that you use Zakat in your business only. Shahbaz says you said file to Kabir which he will show to sharia board? Kashan says no, I gave him file which will make him accept the project, he shows file which he will show in sharia board. Shahbaz says I need atleast 500 crore of Zakat from people. Kashan says what? Shahbaz says I need it at any cost.
Kabir is reading project file.
Zara thinks that if Irfan is not here then why Shahbaz is going to sharia board? He can make Kabir his remote control. She drinks water.
Shahbaz says to Kashan that last year, I invested in Singapore and my 500 crore lost, I want that money to pay investors, Zakat is a big business, if Kabir asks for it then people will give it.
Kabir says to Shahbaz that this is a great project, it will channelize zakat for nation’s benefit. Shahbaz says Irfan used to reject my offers but tomorrow you are leading sharia board so you can make this project get accepted. Kabir thinks tomorrow I am going to go a good thing for people.
In morning, Zara wears burqa and says it will not show my torn clothes.
Kabir prays for day.
Kashan says to Shahbaz that today is a big day for us, I am going to dargah. Shahbaz says Zara shouldnt come out of outhouse, she can destroy our plan so lock her door.
Someone comes to outhouse and locks Zara. Zara is trying to open the door and says is there anyone out?
Kabir is leaving with Shahbaz. Ayesha says today you will priest you always dreamt of. Alina asks if Zara is not going with him? Kabir looks on. Zeenat says Zara cant go, she is pretending to be poor. Shahbaz says lets go. He turns to see Zara coming there, all are stunned. Shahbaz thinks how she came out? Flashback shows Zara banging on door so Ruksaar came here and opened it, Zara hugged her and says I will never forget your favor, flashback ends. Shahbaz says you said you would not show your poor drama infront of all. Zara says I always wore burqa so I will do my duty and will keep my house’s respect. Ayesha says Kabir is going there too, you can go with him. Zara says I dont have standard to sit in car, I will walk there. Shahbaz says fine, you go. Zeenat says to Kabir that Kashan asked to take this file, not what he gave you earlier. Shahbaz says its detailed so take it, Kabir takes it. Shahbaz thinks that Zara will take time to come there so we will do our before she reaches there.
Zara tries to go from a shortcut but a dog comes infront of her.
Kabir and Shahbaz comes to sharia board. Host says that Kabir will head today’s meeting.
Zara dodges dog and runs from there.
Kabir says to people that Zakat is for everyone, its a community purpose, its done for others, God made it compulsory so we can tend to poor people of nation, we have around 500-600 crore of Zakat but where does it go? we have to channelize it, I want people to give us Zakat so we can use it for work for our nation. Shahbaz thinks that people will give him money and then I will take it. All say we agree with Kabir. Zara comes there and says I accept it too, she says Kabir you are right, you know yearly we give 30K-40K crore, we take money but we dont plan what we will do with it, Kabir says I have decided what we will do with it. Zara says what will you do? Kabir says we are talking about A and you are going to Z. Zara says I accept your proposal, I have 3.74lac so my Zakat money is 9K so take it, my husband has my everything so I will give Zakat for him too. Kabir says my family pays for me. Zara says to Kabir that you are so busy in working for nation that you dont earn for your house so I will pay your Zakat. Kabir glares at her. Zara thinks I am not insulting you, I am making you realize your duties.
PRECAP- Zara says to Irfan that Shahbaz is using Kabir to make sharia board a business center, I will show his reality to Kabir, I will not let Kabir do this sin.
Kabir says to Shahbaz that she has lost respect in my eyes, I will earn so much that I will give a lot of Zakat and show her that I am more then just a mere city priest. Shahbaz gets tensed.
Update Credit to: Atiba

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