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Bepannah 22nd August 2018 Episode Written Update

Sakshi stops at the edge of the cliff. Anjana reaches right behind her and asks till when she will continue playing hide and seek. If Sakshi has forgotten what Anjana is capable of, does she remember how her daughter die? Sakshi shouts that Anjana killed Pooja and Yash, she is a murderer.
Arshad thanks Aditya for the coffee. Zoya and Aditya cheer the coffee cups before disposing them. Zoya goes to take a call on a side. Aditya finds Arshad stare at him, he thinks it’s good Arshad soon understand that he and Zoya are made for each other. Arshad says he knows why Aditya came here, they real reason is Zoya.
Anjana blames Sakshi to have stuck her son, did Pooja think she will turn her face away from the sins and betrayal of Pooja. Sakshi agrees Pooja was wrong but what Anjana did was a crime.
She took three lives, Pooja, Yash and their unborn child. She will surely tell Zoya and Aditya that Pooja and Yash’s death wasn’t an accident. Anjana accepts that God created a mother because he couldn’t be everywhere. She punished Pooja because God wasn’t punishing them. Sakshi says Anjana killed three people and she is wandering around so easily. Doesn’t she regret taking lives of innocents? Anjana wasn’t ready to accept her mistake, she can’t even think Aditya goes through the same as her when Harsh left her. She went to Pooja to congratulate her and came to know Pooja was pregnant with someone else’s child. Sakshi questions what if Aditya had cheated on Pooja. Anjana has had enough with Sakshi, and though Sakshi knew more than she should. Its better Sakshi leaves her life. Sakshi was sure that true must live, and it will soon reveal itself. Aditya and Zoya are together now, they will surely know Anjana’s truth one day.
Arshad says Aditya must not have liked that he brought Zoya here at this time of night. He feels protective for Zoya. Aditya replies exactly, he feels exactly the same. Arshad says only lucky ones get such deep friendship, Zoya is lucky to have him as a friend. Aditya asks friend? Arshad asks if they aren’t best friends. He understood this when Aditya was feeding her with noodles. Aditya wants to know if he is the right person for Zoya or not? He realizes Aditya wants to make sure Zoya isn’t betrayed and hurt for another time. While he and Zoya cheers the coffee and chips, he understood none can understand Zoya better than Aditya. Aditya calls Zoya a presence he feels around himself, she is timeless and doesn’t belong to a single time. Arshad agrees calling Zoya precious. Aditya appreciates Zoya self-confidence and self-dependence. Arshad qualifies had he not known they were best friends, he would have considered that Aditya also love Zoya.
Anjana says no matter if one commits a single murder or multiple, punishment is same. She tells Sakshi to say a Hi to Pooja and pushes her down the steep cliff.
Arshad asks Aditya’s help to convince Zoya marry him. He has felt a deep connection with Zoya in the past two days and it’s eternal. Aditya was haunted by the memories of Arshad and Zoya’s meeting, dance and eating noodles together. Arshad says Zoya is better than the person he awaited his whole life. He wants to spend his whole life with her and marry her.
Anjana cries in agony sitting on the floor. She says Sakshi turned her into a murderer but what she should have done. She only wanted to save her son from you mother daughter duo. She is a mother and can do anything for the sake of her sons. Sakshi wanted to tell Aditya the truth but her connection with the world has finished.
Aditya was shocked to hear Arshad’s talk. Arshad takes his hand sure that he would help him. Zoya returns after the call. It soon begins to rain. They turn to leave.
Anjana gets into the car and gets her medicines. Her cell phone fell on the floor there. She calms herself down but was shocked to see Aditya, Zoya and Arshad appear from behind the trees. She drives her car fast. Aditya comments it seems other people also know about this place. Arshad gets a call. Aditya wonders whose car Zoya would get into now?
Arshad tells Zoya there is an emergency in the hospital, he hopes she won’t mind. He requests Aditya to drop Zoya. Aditya says he would have dropped Zoya anyway. Zoya and Arshad didn’t understand.
Anjana finds Sakshi’s phone in her purse and realizes she dropped it when she was taking the medicine. She decides to find it. Aditya was about to speak to Zoya but Zoya wasn’t attentive. She realizes her ear ring was missing, it was a special silver earring her father got for her from special workers of Delhi. Aditya place his finger over her mouth and says no matter she loses anything, he will get it back to her; no matter its an earring or her heart. Her other earring would also look like the one she is wearing.
Anjana reaches the spot and finds Aditya and Zoya together. She spots the phone just beneath Zoya’s feet.
PRECAP: Aditya blames Arshad for have deliberately stolen her earring. He advices her not to trust anyone again, she learnt to trust again really hardly.
Update Credit to: Sona

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