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Ishq Subhan Allah 4th February 2019 Episode Written Update

Scene 1
Zara comes to Kabir and says Amir saved Alina, if he likes Alina then what is wrong? Kabir says I dont like that, my sister was drinking coffee with him. I didnt like it when you touched me before marriage. Zara looks on. Kabir says I am sorry but I will follow my religion.
Alina sees Amir calling. she takes it. He asks if everything is fine? Alina says Kabir didnt like me having coffee with you. Amir says we are not doing anything wrong. Alina says I am sorry but brother doesnt like it. Amir says can we come on video chat? She video calls him. He smiles at her. Kabir comes there so Alina Alina phones in sheet. Kabir comes inside and says sorry. He gives her gift, he makes her eat sweets. Kabir says to Alina that you are young now, you are smart, be careful. He turns to leave
but hears her phone. He looks at it but it has turned off, he leaves. Alina says I got saved.
Kashan says to Zeenat that family is excluding us. Zeenat says we have Amaan, he is heir of this house, they can separate us from them but they will never let Amaan go away from them, we will use Amaan for our benefit. Kashan smirks. Amaan comes there and says lets have breakfast with everyone. Kashan says parents have punished us so we will have breakfast here, Amaan says no and runs from there.
Ayesha cries and says to Kabir that wish I didnt have son like Kashan. Amaan comes there and says why cant we have breakfast with you? I am miffed. Kabir makes him eat food and says dont be miffed with us, he hugs him. Shahbaz says he is our life. Kabir says lets have breakfast, amaan nods and leaves. Shahbaz says Kashan is evil but amaan is innocent and sweet. Kashan says we have to take care of him. Kabir says to Ayesha that we should find a nice guy for Alina, we dont have to marry her now but its better to find a proposal.
Amaan comes to Zeenat and says Kabir is making have breakfast, he leaves. Kashan says soon they will involve us in house again and we will know their secrets. Zeenat says what we will answer to Salamat? She sees Salamat calling and ends it. She says Salamat gave house papers for Shahbaz to accept it but he didnt, we have to find an answer.
Kabir and Zara comes to printing press. Kabir shows him work. Irfan says great. Kabir says do tell if you have a nice guy for Alina. Irfan says we just showed Alina’s nikah so we have to wait for sometime, soon this topic will die down, he leaves. Zara says to Kabir that let Alina study first, we should find a guy that she likes too. Kabir says we will find a nice guy for her and then she can study.
Scene 2
Amir is outside college. Alina meets him. Alina says you here? Alina says I came for papers from college. alina says lets go.
Salamat and Samir sits in Kashan and Zeenat’s car. Salamat says you didnt pick my call, what about house? Zeenat says shahbaz was accepting house but Kabir stopped him. Kabir, Irfan and Shahbaz fooled you.
Kabir is dropping Irfan and says you lied for us so they can hurt you so I will drop you off everyday to be on safe side, I have also installed CCTV at your house. Zara says its right to be careful.
Zeenat says to Salamat that Irfan lied and made fake nikah papers. Samir says if he lied then we will kill him.
PRECAP- Samir comes to Irfan’s house and says what should be your punishment for such a big lie? He starts strangling them and also have a gun. Salma cries for help.
Update Credit to: Atiba

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